Yong Chol

From Bucheon DND

Young life[edit | edit source]

Yong Chul was born into a village of commoners whose family line included butchers. From a young age, he showed a definite talent for reading signs in nature, but was never able to attain proficiency because of the prejudice his family faced. Tired of this, he set out of the country to hide his identity and find a mentor who would teach him more about his powers.

Yong Chul traveled the country, learning how to live off of the land. His poor upbringing left him uneducated and his time traveling in solitude left him lacking in many of the social graces. When he would walk into towns, many people looked down on him. This furthered his disdain for people in cities and he spent most of his time on the outskirts of towns.

Shaman[edit | edit source]

When visiting one town for supplies, he met a woman who immediately took notice of him. This grandmother had the markings of a shaman woman who had visited his home town once before when the village elder was sick. She took him to her home and began to read his fortune:

“Yong Chul born in the year of the Metal Dragon. The divine dragon Yangwang and the spirit of metal that subdued the gods have cursed you with this gift. Beware the resting tiger in the north that devours the White Lotus, for it seeks to consume all things. Metal is your element, but it is the thing you must not use for it is the substance that poisoned the gods. Read the weave set forth by Yuhwa and do not be tricked by those who manipulate it.”

Yong Chul afraid of the curse begged the woman to teach him more about his power. She said there is nothing to teach but he should make amends at the Shrine of Yuhwa to the south of Gaya. “There,” she said, “you will find the true followers of the old gods.” Yong Chul thanks the woman and leaves her an offering of all of his metal tools and trades his coins for travelling supplies. He then sets out to the south for the Shrine of Yuhwa.

Recent History[edit | edit source]

While in the south, Yong Chul learns some control of his powers in the Temple through prayers and meditation. Several seasons have passed since he first arrived and he is at peace. As he goes to meditate one morning, a group of leaves scatter on the ground. He thinks nothing of it at first and goes to pray. When he passes by the same spot in the evening, the leaves have not moved. Recognizing it to be a sign from Yuhwa, he begins to read the pattern.

“Walk into the mouth of the tiger.”

Character Sheet[edit | edit source]

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