
From Bucheon DND


History[edit | edit source]

Mokrang is the true name of the nature god of the Asadal peninsula. She is a beautiful goddess who has dominion over all animals and plants on the Asadal. Other names include Sungmo ("Holy Mother"), Daemo ("Great Mother"), Jamo ("Benevolent Mother"), Sinmo ("Divine Mother"), Nogo ("Ancient Lady"). She is the god who has interacted with humanity the most as she views them as her children. She is the origin of Mugyo (Shamanism) and Mudang (Shaman).

During the surprise attack of Gaya by King Yu Mokrang interfered directly. She summoned her army of tigers to defend and keep peace between her children. She was reprimanded by Habaek for interfering. She was later tricked by Gildong and captured.

Current[edit | edit source]


Real life[edit | edit source]

Korean Shamanism



Link[edit | edit source]